Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) placed the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2023 Cohort of students in various degree programmes. This information was communicated to the students by respective universities.

The Ministry of Education wishes to inform the public, particularly parents / guardians of students, and, students that the fees to be paid by students and their families/ guardians as relates to the full cost of each degree programme as previously communicated in the admission letters is hereby nullifled, and, does not apply any more.

Beginning the 5th Day of August 2024, the respective universities will communicate the new fees to be paid by each student as household contribution.

It is also important for the students and their parents/ guardians to note that their placement in the respective academic programmes remains unchanged. We wish to confirm that their places in the academic programmes are firmly secured.

Dr. Beatrice Muganda Inyangala

Press Release | Download

Unlock your potential with South Eastern Kenya University's diverse range of postgraduate, undergraduate, and diploma programs. Whether you're aiming to advance your career, switch fields, or gain new skills, SEKU offers flexible study modes, expert faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities across our Main, Wote Town, Kitui Town, and Mtito Andei campuses.

Why Choose SEKU?

  • Comprehensive Programs: Health Sciences, Engineering, Business, Law, Agriculture, and more.
  • Flexible Study Options: Weekday, evening, and Saturday classes to fit your schedule.
  • Scholarships Available: Limited scholarships to support your educational journey.

Apply Now!

For more information on programs on offer, their entry requirements, and the application process download the list of programmes below. Secure your future with SEKU – enroll today! 

August-September 2024 Intake | Download

Attention KCSE Candidates: Have you been placed in an institution by KUCCPS but left you not happy, disillusioned and disturbed about the course given? The South Eastern Kenya University is excited to offer you an exceptional opportunity to transfer and join a community where ones excellence is appreciated.

Read more

Congratulations 2024 Cohort

Congratulations on your placement by KUCCPS to South Eastern Kenya University! This is an incredible achievement and a testament to your hard work, dedication, and academic excellence throughout high school.

Seku first year Congratulations Message 2024

South Eastern Kenya University invites sealed bids from interested, eligible bidders for the following listed tenders

1. SEKU/PROC/ONT/014/2023/2024 Provision of Staff Medical
Insurance Cover
11. 06.2024 Open
2. SEKU/PROC/ONT/015/2023/2024 Provision of Staff GPA/WIBA
11. 06.2024 Open
3. SEKU/PROC/ONT/016/2023/2024 Provision of Sanitary Bin Services 11.06.2024 Special Groups


Bid documents can be downloaded and printed free of charge from the University Website (click here) or from the Treasury tender portal  Duly completed tender documents in plain sealed envelopes, marked the tender number, item name and bearing no indication of the tenderer should be addressed to:
The Vice Chancellor,
South Eastern Kenya University,
P. O. Box 170-90200,

And placed in the Tender Box at the Procurement Parking Yard, Kitui Main Campus, or sent by post so as to reach the above address not later than 11th June 2024 at 10.00 AM. Submitted bids will be opened publicly at the Procurement Parking Yard, immediately after the above stated closing date and time in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. Late bids will be returned unopened.

Important Information To First Year Students 2024/2025 Academic Year

This is to inform 2023 KCSE candidates placed at South Eastern Kenya University that reporting date for registration and orientation is 26th August, 2024 at the Main Campus, Kwa­ Vonza- Kitui County. Registration will start promptly at 8.00am. You are required to download the respective Admission Letter and Joining Instructions on the website

You are required to download Admission Letter and Joining Instructions HERE from Friday, 24th May, 2024.

Accommodation for all First Year Students is guaranteed upon payment and registration.

Meals are served at the designated University kitchens on Pay as You Eat (PAYE) basis. No cooking is allowed in the Halls of residence.

Students are advised to familiarize themselves with information provided in FORMJI/1 0 regarding fees structure and take necessary action regarding each of these items well before reporting to the University .

Inter/Intra-School transfers are processed within the first two weeks of the semester on condition that a student meets the Cut of Points for the particular course and there is a vacancy.

Kindly download the Joining Instructions document (forms) for more detailed information. The forms MUST be submitted to the University during registration on the reporting date.

National Tree Planting Day

We are delighted to be participating in our own way to the National Tree Growing and Restoration Campaign which was launched by H.E, the President in December 2022. The nationwide campaign targets planting of 15 billion trees by 2032.
We are grateful to have received over 5,000 tree seedlings donations from Strathmore University, Cooperative Bank, Kitui and Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI).
On the gazetted Public Holiday dedicated to remembering the lives lost to the cyclic floods and nationwide tree growing, staff and students turned up in large numbers to be part of the exercise in a bid to mitigate climate change.
This was no ordinary tree planting day because staff and students from Strathmore University led by the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Vincent Ogutu joined us for the exercise. A team from the Cooperative Bank Kitui led by the Branch Manager, Mr. Jacob Munyao joined us for the exercise.

We are delighted to have our fifth Chairperson of Council, Prof. Crispus Kiamba with us for the inaugural meeting following the appointment by the Education Cabinet Secretary, Hon. Ezekiel Machogu. Prof. Kiamba has previously served as a Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. He brings in a wealth of administrative and academic experience to our institution. We wish the team well. The team also participated in a tree planting exercise.

Title of the Event: Unmasking Mental Health Pandemic Among Kenyan Academia: Sharing Experiences and Building Resilience Against the Odds
Date of Event: 20 - 23, May 2024
Place: Kitui, Kenya

Detailed Description of the event
The World Health organization in 2022 published a report titled “World Mental Health Report: Transforming Mental Health for All”, in which the world health body calls upon all stakeholders to work together to deepen the value and commitment given to mental health, reshape the environments that influence mental health, and strengthen the systems that care for mental health. In Kenya has a Mental Health Policy 2015-2030, in which the Government outlines its commitment to pursue policy measures and strategies for achieving optimal mental health status and capacity of each individual. However according to a Kenya taskforce report published in 2020, the country suffers a heavy burden of mental illness. For instance, among the highlights of the report, out of the people sampled, 61% individuals indicated they felt lonely, 52% helpless and 33% felt angry. Several factors are attributable to the poor implementation of the policy key among them  being lack of awareness and understanding of mental health issues among the general public, inadequate funding to support mental health services, and lack of cooperation and coordination among the relevant stakeholders.
The higher Education (HE) sector has undergone constant set of changes in the past two decades. In Kenya, neoliberalisation (e.g. structure, hierarchy, vision, values, practices) and the current climate of global education-competition, characterized by: short-term contracts, rapid growth in student numbers, overwhelming workload for academics, lack of recognition, pressure on  academics to generate research income, among others, has placed extreme expectations on academics. Largely, these have forced academics to adapt to corporate models of management and bow to extreme pressure to provide high-quality teaching, supervision and research, safeguard the international outlook of their institutions, manage a heavy administrative burden, and publish research with “higher standards”.
There is a growing interest on the influence of the changing higher education institutions ‘environment on staff welfare. There is a growing evidence that the university environment is becoming increasingly challenging triggering high levels of stress and burnouts which in turn jeopardizes academician’s physical and mental health. It is worth noting that mental health is as important as physical health as it touches on our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and how we make health and life choices. While some signs of poor mental health may seem obvious such as a sudden indulgence into uncontrolled drinking, desertion of duty or suicidal attempts, others remain cryptic and chronic in nature.
This, compounded with the fact that most faculty would not want to discuss their mental status with other people, including with doctors, makes it one of the most difficult disorders to diagnose and treat. Indeed, the fear of stigmatization, societal expectations and the belief that the faculty are at the helm of academia and hence cannot suffer from mental depression or illnesses and other related mental disorders, leaves the faculty very vulnerable to advance effects of mental health. Indeed the effect of mental health do not affect the individual’s health but also their output leading to poor performance

Goal, Objectives and Target Group

The goal of the conference is to provide a forum to deliberate on the extent of mental health issues within the institutions of higher learning in addition to sensitizing the faculty on the need to seek medical intervention should they experience mental disorders.

The specific objectives of the training shall be to;

  1. Identify different manifestations of mental health disorders among the faculty.
  2. Establish the main factors causing mental health disorders in higher learning institutions.
  3. Determine possible mitigation and management strategies of mental health disorders in our learning institutions.
  4. Formulate recommendations for development of policies and strategies for managing mental health disorders in institutions of higher learning.
  5. Encourage sharing of experiences, networking and cooperation among the DAAD alumni including the faculty on mental health challenges.

Target Group

  • Faculty in institutions of higher learning in Kenya. A majority of the participants shall be DAAD alumni (see Annex 3 – the participants list).
Vice-chancellor’s Courtesy Call to H.E Dr. Julius Malombe, The Governor, Kitui County

The Vice-Chancellor Prof. Eng. Douglas Shitanda paid a courtesy call to the Kitui County Governor, H.E Dr. Julius Malombe. The two institutions have had a long standing good relationship and this brief meeting was to discuss how best to strengthen the existing collaborations and partnerships. It was also an avenue to establish new ways of collaboration since the different ministries were well represented during the meeting.

We, in SEKU, have departed from the notion that learning can only take place in a ‘brick and wall’ environment. We appreciate that learning can take place anywhere and at any time. Our goal is, therefore, to open up opportunities to learners in varied geographical locations as long as they can connect to internet. Currently we are focusing on distance learning as a mode of study. If you aspire to be part of the fast-moving global world, then SEKU’s ODeL is the place to be in…..and in case you missed our virtue public lecture on Journey through innovation: Unveiling the progress of the Directorate of Open, Distance and E-Learning in SEKU, follow this link.

We are delighted to host an eight member team from the National Council of Churches of Kenya led by the General Secretary, Rev. Canon Chris Kinyanjui.

The team held a fruitful consultative meeting with the University Management led by our Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Eng. Douglas Shitanda to discuss matters on research collaboration for academic papers to attract grants.

The teams also deliberated on the establishment of a Christian Student's Leadership Centre at the University for the Christian students.

Both institutions have an almost similar mission of Transforming lives so we look forward to the successful collaborations this deliberation will bring forth.

2nd Research and Innovation Week

The University will hold the 2nd Research and Innovation Week from 25th to 28th March 2024, whose theme is ‘Addressing Development Challenges and Climate Change Through Research and Innovation’. Staff and students are encouraged to register and exhibit their research and innovation in the form of posters, innovations and products. Registration for staff is KES 1000.00 and student entry is free. The Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Tonny Omwansa, the CEO, Kenya Innovation Agency (KENIA). We look forward to your active participation in this important event in our university calendar.
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor  (Academic, Research and Innovation)

Payment Details

Name:Seku Igu account
Ac No.01021053129100
Mpesa till 338321
Code 12060

Register Here


We were honored to receive a 41-seater electric bus from ROAM Company for a three-day pilot test in readiness to own our fleet in the foreseeable future to fight the transport menace for both staff and students at the minimum cost. The electric bus guarantees cost reduction and, most importantly, delivers uncompromising performance with zero emissions or noise pollution. As an institution, we are honored to be the first university in Kenya to receive the electric bus for the test drive.

Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

South Eastern Kenya University KIPPRA MOUThe Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University that will see the two institutions benefit from each other for the benefit of the faculty and students. The MOU is what brought to fruition the first-ever KIPPRA Mentorship Program for Universities and TVETs (KMPUT), which was designed to encourage and promote the next generation of great leaders. Tailor-made raining programs and capacity-building workshops are part of what is encompassed in the MOU.

To join the meeting:
Room Passcode: R5SRkoqg
Date: 26th February, 2024
Time: 9.30 am - 12.30 pm
Programme In-Charge: Dr. John F. Koga



Responsible Person

9.00 am - 9.30 am

Signing in and Registration

All Stakeholders

9.30 am - 9.35 am

Opening Prayer

Dr. Carol Hunja

9.35 am - 9.40 am

Recognition of University Stakeholders

Programme In-Charge

9.40 am - 9.45 am

Recognition and Brief Remarks from DVCs


ii. DVC, CS

9.45 am 9.50 am

Vice Chancellor’s  Remarks

Vice Chancellor


Presentation of SEKU Strategic Plan (2023 - 2027).

Introduction of Strategic Plan Development Committee


9.50 am - 10.10 am


1.1 Background of the University

1.2 Mandate/functions of the University

1.3 Global, Regional and National Development Issues - specific to the

mandate of the University.

1.4 The University’s Development Role vis-à-vis the National Development

Agenda – Kenya Vision 2030 and its Medium Term Plans, the 2030

Agenda and SDGs.

Dr. Kevin Wachira

10.10 am - 10.50 am


2.1 Review of the previous strategic plan implementation

2.1.2 Challenges (that hindered the achievement of the set targets during

implementation of the previous plan)

2.1.3 Emerging Issues 

2.1.4 Lessons Learnt

Dr. David Namasaka


2.2 Environmental Scan

2.2.1 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis.

2.2.2 Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal and Ethics (PESTELE) Analysis.

Dr. Carol Hunja


2.2.4 Stakeholder Analysis 


2.3 Strategic Issues 


10.50 am - 11.30 am


Dr. Joseph Nzomoi


3.1 Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Core Values

3.2 Key Result Areas (KRAs)

3.3 Strategic Objectives and Strategies. 



Dr. John Koga/ Participants

11.30 am -12 Noon


4.1 Structure of the University

4.2 Staff Establishment

Dr. Jane Weru


4.3.2 Resource Gaps.

CPA Keston

12.00 pm - 12.30 pm


Dr. Casper Shikali


5.1 Monitoring

5.2 Evaluation 

5.3 Learning



Dr. John Koga/ Participants

12.30 pm - 12.35 pm

Vote of thanks

Dr. Joseph Nzomoi

12.35pm - 12.40 pm

Closing Prayer

Dr. Sedina Misango

Virtual Public Participation Forum - Strategic Plan 2023 - 2027

South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU) has developed a draft Strategic Plan covering the period 2023/24 - 2027/28. The Plan has been developed following the mandates, functions, and responsibilities of the University as established under the Universities Act 2012, the SEKU Charter 2013, the Constitution of Kenya 2010, and the revised Guidelines for the development of the fifth Generation Strategic Plans issued by the National Treasury and Economic Planning.

Join us in an online stakeholder forum for the validation of the draft strategic plan on Monday 26th February, 2024 at 9.30 am.

Use the following link to join

Meeting link

Passcode  : R5SRkoqg


Prof. Eng. Douglas Shitanda

Vice Chancellor,

South Eastern Kenya University,

P.O. Box 170-90200, Kitui, Kenya.
Tel: +254 723505999

09 May 2024
04 October 2023
30 March 2023
16 March 2023
17 February 2023