SEKU Starts Mass Production of Facemasks and Hand Sanitizers

South Eastern Kenya University has started the mass production of N95 facemasks and Hand sanitizers to help in fighting the spread of COVID-19.seku news 1The Clothing and Textile Department has been working tirelessly to produce the masks with some of them already in use by members of staff.The disposable masks create a physical barrier between the mouth and nose of the wearer and contaminants in the immediate environment.
The N95 masks have the highest COVID-19 protection level with 95 percent virus protection, and 100 percent bacteria, dust and pollen efficacy. seku news 2The masks, which are made from non-woven fabric, light poly-poplin and medium poly-poplin fabric, with non-woven strip, will be used by the staff of the University with a surplus for supply to the surrounding community.
The Department of Physical Sciences also recently embarked on production of Hand sanitizers after an approval was given by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics . The sanitizers are a supplement or alternative to hand washing with soap and water.

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